What is a Virtual Career Fair?

The Ultimate Guide to a Virtual Career Fair – In 2020, many B2B are opting for virtual events, and so are the educational and employment sectors. There has been a higher ROI and better interaction between clients and employees. By using videos, graphics, and audio to present brands, companies are saving money and time.

Likewise, education and job fairs are turning into a digital format so that people can get information, interact, and give feedback simultaneously. It also allows interactions from different locations in real-time by using the web, making results quicker.

So what is a virtual career fair?

A virtual career fair is part of a networked function that takes place at a pre-determined day and time, for a set duration. During this period, employers, career guides, job seekers, and company owners meet on a virtual platform. This platform can be a chatroom, video conference calls, webcasts, webinars, or emails.

Job seekers upload resumes on this virtual platform and browse through different companies’ virtual “booths,” which have links to their website.

Some virtual job fairs have simple settings with interactive widgets and a chat bar while others set up events with elaborate details. These realistic settings can replicate real environments where attendees can move around the virtual settings. Attendees can also explore the place, meet and greet others, and find helpful resources for a career.

What is a Virtual Career Fair?

Virtual career Fair benefits

In these career fairs, job seekers can find useful tips to further career goals. Attendees can find resume tips, career quizzes, articles, and videos about ace-ing an interview, how to approach companies, etc.

Companies can also use virtual job fairs to establish their brand name, advertise job openings, and find potential partners.

Instead of browsing through hundreds of websites and portfolios, the virtual job fair enables you to discover all career-related topics in one platform along with others in the same interests.

Since each session has a limited time, it encourages personal contact between clients and employers. You can leave a resume or feedback, answer quizzes, and send emails. The recipient is more likely to check here than regular emails because a host must check responses after a virtual session.

Cost of Virtual Career Fair

Virtual career fairs are often hosted and sponsored by the same organizations and groups that host physical career fairs. The sponsors are usually companies in the educational sector, employment agencies, and trade associations.

Putting up a virtual career fair can be challenging, but it is budget-friendly and usually free for attendees.

It is definitely a convenient way for job seekers and employers to meet and explore the opportunities even from remote locations.

All in all, virtual events cannot replace the experience of a real event, but it is just as effective and worth the shot.