Create Video and Electronic Invitations

Most people watch movies based on the anticipation built by trailers. Hollywood has mastered the art of building hype and curiosity, even for movies that end up being a waste of time and money. The trailers hit on the right emotional triggers – they give out just enough information about the movie to make us want to see it – they hide the information that adds novelty for the movie-watching experience – they write the words and choose the tone for maximum impact. All in all, the sneak peeks actually help us make our go-no-go decisions.

Up until a few years ago, events were a stark contrast. You’d have posters, invitations, telephone calls and all, but no real “pull” factor. The pull is usually a play at the emotions using visuals, sound, music, tone, words and images. Today, with the help of certain tools you can actually create quick, short and powerful videos for your event invitations. They can make private event invitations more personal and public events more interesting. They can add that human to human connection that you want your audiences to feel.

There’s no limit to the ideas that you can explore while preparing the video invitations. If you are planning a reunion party of some sort, you can have a musical collage and slide show of photos, video clips all streamed together into a wonderful video. If you are planning a new year’s party, you can put together the best moments of the year and add an emotionally rich narration to it. Some video making tools don’t even require a lot of technical expertise to put together a good piece.

If you don’t want to use videos, that’s your prerogative. You can use platforms that offer different invitation and ticket design tools for custom designing your invites and tickets. Your video or electronic invitations and tickets can have links to your RSVP process.

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