121+ Donut Puns and Jokes to Glaze Up Your Days

Donut puns are whimsical to use, and basically many people use it in daily basis. As we know, donut is something everyone loves. It is a cake, a snack and basically a meal as well. You can have it anytime of the day, even for breakfast. The best thing about donut is the fact that it is so aesthetically pleasing. This fried dough is beautiful to look at, and its signature hole in the middle makes the look so satisfying to see.

So, why people love donuts, though? Well, if that one reason is not enough, there are several more reasons to see below. It will show you that doughnut puns are used numerous times by everyone around the world because the donut itself is so adored. These are the reasons why people love donuts so much, and you will find yourself agreeing to these reasons, too.

  • Donuts are Delicious – Indeed, the first reason why people love donut is the fact this fried dough is very delicious. If donut is made properly, you will end up with airy fried dough with sweet, mouth-watering toppings and glaze on top. It is perfect, basically.
  • Donuts Have So Many Toppings – Well, the best thing about donuts is they look so whimsical with all the glaze and toppings. They can be full of colors, from the sprinkles and crushed toppings that you put on the top of donut. They are delicious as well as beautiful-looking.
  • Donuts are Easy to Find – Yes, donut has been one of the most-sought fried dough around the world. In United States of America, there are more than 350 branches of Krispy Kreme and 8,500 locations of Dunkin Donuts. Yes, it is the evidence that you can basically find donuts so easily anywhere you are.

Considering donuts are so popular, it will not be awkward if you use lots of donut puns thank you, funny puns or anything you like. People will get it because they also love donuts, and they know exactly what you are saying. Therefore, these are some puns and jokes about donuts that you need.

Clever and Cute Donut Puns

Clever and Cute Donut Puns

These are some clever donut puns. Use them to make you look smarter and funnier at the same time. All you need to do is just copy and paste the puns.

Donut disturb.

Donut ever let me go.

I’m donuts about you!

Donut stop believing.

Donut you, forget about me (Breakfast Club reference for those old enough to remember- donuts are a breakfast food, right?).

Donut you think I’m cute?

You’re driving me donuts!

It’s your birthday, let’s donuts!

I get the same flavor everyday, I just think I’m stuck in a bit if a do-rut!

Donut underestimate the power of baked goods.

I donut care what you think, I am having another donut!

My favorite dinosaur is a diplo-donut.

Donut even think about taking another donut!

You are such a weirdo-nut, but so am I!

Donut worry, be happy.

Donut mind if I do.

You’ve got this, donut give up!

Donut stop believing in yourself.

What type of nuts are do-nuts?

Donut disturb the cat while he is sleeping.

When you grow rich and famous, donut forget about me.

Donut judge me for what I do or say on social media.

You’re a-glaze-ing.

Donut worry about anything.

I donut know what I’d dough without you.

Do or donut, there is no try.

I donut know who you are.

Donut stop until you reach your goals.

Donut stress it.

I feel glazy today.

You’re jelly.

Sprinkled with love.

I dough it for you.

Stop! Donut enter.

Moreover, donut is cute-looking dish indeed, and there are also cute donut puns that you need in every conversation. Everyone needs these puns to have a good laugh.

Best Donut Jokes and Puns

Best Donut Jokes and Puns

What do you call a cute donut? A-dough-able.

What did the pastry chef say to his unsupportive father? “Donut hole me back.”

I allow myself only one donut per year. This morning I had 433 B.C., 1731, and 1952.

What kind of evidence can a donut not take to trial? Anecdoughtal evidence.

Knock Knock. Who’s there? Donut. Donut who? Donut ask, it’s a secret!

Why did the donut go to the dentist? To get a filling.

What was the donut’s least favorite part of its day? I’m not really sure; it glazed over that part.

Why did the donut go to a therapist? He felt empty inside.

What did Yoda say when he turned a patron away for ordering a pie? “Dough. Or doughnut. There is no pie.”

What did the donut say to the Munchkin? You complete me!

What are strange donuts made out of? Weird-doughs.

I’m opening a grocery store that specializes in Swiss cheese and donuts. I’m calling it Hole Foods.

The arrogant baker declared, “You’ll never hear a complaint about my doughnuts outside this shop window.”

What’s the National Donut Day theme song? “Donut Stop Believing.”

A cream-filled donut and an eclair decided to get a divorce. It’s a sad story, but the real victims are their children. They’re in for a grueling custardy battle.

What did an angry donut say to his wife? Donut talk to me.

What do do-nuts wear to weddings? Tuxedoughs!

Knock knock! Who’s there? Doughnut. Doughnut Who? Doughnut forget to close the door!

Knock knock!… Who’s there?… Doughnut. Doughnut Who? Doughnut forget to do your homework or you will have to go to summer school!

Knock Knock Who’s there Justin Justin who? Justin time to make the donuts!

Why did the baker quit making donuts? Because he was fed up with the hole business!

What type of window do donuts prefer in their homes? Double glazed.

What do you call a Boston creme donut that’s a straight-A student? The creme of the crop.

What do you call it when you order the same donut every day? A do-rut!

Why do donuts make terrible teachers? They’re always glazing over the important stuff.

What’s a donut’s favorite lullaby? “Sprinkle, Sprinkle Little Star.”

How can you spot a fashionista donut? They’re into all the latest glazes.

What happened to the renegade donuts? They went down in a glaze of glory.

What is a donut’s favorite day of the week? Fry-day.

What do you get when you cross Frosty with a baker? Frosty the Dough-Man!

Which nut has a hole in it? A donut.

Knock, knock Who’s there? CIA CIA, who? CI ate your last doughnut!

Warning! Donuts will make your clothes shrink.

What is the only thing that can cure a sick do-nut? An antidought!

Why do donuts hate puns so much? They donut like to joke around!

Where was the first donut cooked? In Greece.

How does Bob Marley like his donuts? Wi’ jam in.

When do bakers stop making donuts? When they get tired of the hole thing.

What kind of donuts can fly? The plain ones.

Why did the donut go to the doctor? He was feeling crumby.

What’s the healthiest part of a donut? The middle.

What’s a basketball player’s favorite donut shop? Dunkin’ Donuts.

What’s the best thing to put in a donut? Your teeth.

Why did the croissants take the donuts and bagels to Disneyland? They thought it would be fun for the hole family.

Why do donuts hate puns so much? They donut like to joke around!

Why couldn’t the teddy bear finish his donut? He was stuffed!

Ever heard of French Donuts? They’re the Beigne of my existence.

Where’s a donut’s favorite vacation spot? The Sahara dessert!

Why do golfers love donuts? Always a hole-in-one!

What do you call uncivilized donuts? Bavarians.

Why did the clock in the donut shop run slow? It always went back four seconds.

What kind of Donuts are Bob Marley’s favourite? Ones with Jammin’!

I went to Dunkin Donuts and ordered 4 blueberry donuts and the cashier asked if I wanna box…. …I’ve been banned for life from that shop.

Why did the man quit his job at the donut factory? He was fed up with the hole business!

Have you heard of the robbery at the donut store? I heard that the robbers left with buns glazing

What do you call an underwater Dunken Donuts? Sunken Donuts

Did you hear about the police seige at the donut factory robbery? The bad guys came out with all buns glazing.

Why Was The Baker So Depressed About Purchasing Containers That Only Fit 12 Donuts? If you ask him he will give you 13 Reasons Why.

Traffic stop Cop says to motorist: “Your eyes look a little red. Have you been smoking marijuana?” Motorist: “No. Your eyes look a little glazed. Have you been eating donuts?”

 I used to have an obsession for sweet foods with a hole in the middle I donut care for them anymore though

Why did the Croissants take the Donuts and Bagels to Disneyland? They thought it would be fun for the hole family.

What does an angel say at a pastry shop? Donut be afraid

What’s the healthiest part of a donut? The middle.

Best Donuts One-Liners

Best Donuts One-Liners

Why did the donut go to the dentist? To get a filling.

A person at the store asked me if doughnuts are healthy. I don’t know, but I never met a sick one in my entire life.

What do you get if you plant a dough nut? A dough tree.

Why did the baker stop making donuts? He was fed up with the hole business.

What kind of evidence can a donut not take to trial? Anecdoughtal evidence.

How does Bob Marley like his donuts? With Jammin’.

What’s a donut’s favorite day of the week? Fry-day.

Never insult a donut. Some of them have fillings.

What kind of donut can fly? A plain donut.

Found out I can’t have donuts without u. They become don’ts.

The optimist sees the donut whole; the pessimist sees the donut hole.

What’s a basketball player’s favorite donut shop? Dunkin’ Donuts.

What do you call a pastry that is a priest? A Holy Donut.

Why did the donut start going to therapy? It couldn’t get over the feeling that something was missing — it never felt hole!

How did the strawberry donut feel after dinner? Jam-packed!

What do you see when the Pillsbury Doughboy bends over? Doughnuts!

I allow myself only one donut per year. This morning I had 433 B.C., 1731, and 1952.

You need to understand the difference between want and need. Like I want abs, but I need donuts.

I was turned away when I tried to order a pie from Yoda’s bakery. “Dough. Or doughnut. There is no pie.”

Have you been eating donuts and driving? Your eyes look glazed.

A sheep, two donuts, and a snake walked into a bar. Bah-Dunk-Dunk, Sssss.

Why did Tiger Woods return the donuts? Because there was a hole in one.

What do you call a cute donut? Adoughrable.

Ever heard of French Donuts? They’re the Beignet of my existence.

What do donuts wear to weddings? Tuxedoughs!

Where was the first donut cooked? In Greece.

Why do donuts hate puns so much? They donut like to joke around!

Why did the clock in the donut shop run slow? It always went back four seconds.

Did you hear the joke about the donut? Probably not, it was crummy!

“If you stop eating donuts you will live three years longer; it’s just three more years that you want a donut.” – Lewis Black

Doughnut Puns

Dough-n’t fall for it!

Well, dough you or dough-n’t you?

Dough ifs, dough buts!

You are just so a-dough-rable.

I just don’t dough how you do it!

Dough you like donuts? I dough!

Dough you think we should get donuts on the way home? I dough!

Thank goodness its Fri-dough.

Dough you mind?

Funny Donut Puns

Funny Donut Puns

Donut puns should be funny and capable of making people laugh. Use these funny donut puns for that purpose.

Donut go break my heart

Just hang on I glazed over there for a minute

I donut know what I do without you

I-cing about you in the shower

You make him hole

Please donut make a fools of donuts

Donut worry

You donut know how much I love you

You drive me glazy

Donut try this

I want you to glaze my hole

Thanks a hole bunch for being here

You donut want to miss this

Eat more hole foods

Donut just stood there with a gazled expression

Why dough you guys punish us always

Please donut say no to me

He’s not sure what he would dough without you

You guys would totally be bae-goals

Now, you have seen some puns, it is time to apply them on text or on practical conversation with your friends and family. There are so many puns you can choose. All you need to do is just selecting one or two that you think the best, and then use those donut puns to make the good jokes and lighten the mood.

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