Innovative Event Ideas You Should Consider for Your Virtual Event in 2022

Discover innovative event ideas that help your virtual event stand out with the ideas mentioned below.

Event planners are forced to readjust with the latest condition due to the spread of COVID-19. Virtual event is found as an effective way that can be chosen to deliver idea because it allows people to gather and interact with each other through the internet. It will really take place of in-person event during this global pandemic. A research conducted by Wild Apricot described that from 1.000 organization’s memberships, 84% of them chose virtual event as a strategic way to catch up with the changing throughout the booming of COVID-19 this year.

People usually think that virtual event is monotone. But, with the innovative idea and its best deliver, you can live up your event and amaze your audience. If you are one of those event planners who are still confused about the best idea to deliver in a virtual event, don’t worry! This article will help you to figure out what kind of virtual event your audience will love.

Here are some innovative event ideas you should consider:

Fun Virtual Events

During this pandemic, in-person entertainment activities are yet not allowed to do until an unknown time. For most people, staying at home could be so frustrating without entertainment. So, the demand of entertainment is rising time by the time. Globalwebindex indicated that more than 50% of people spend their time in streaming services such as music and movie streaming due to the outbreak of coronavirus. Also, there is 40% increasing demand for virtual gaming event. Therefore, the idea of holding fun virtual event will be a great idea for you. You can consider the idea of holding a virtual karaoke, virtual concert, virtual movie night, virtual gaming event, and virtual competition.

Virtual Career Fair

Many people are facing a hard time as the effect of COVID-19. Especially when their companies sent them home or their business is forced to close. It can be seen from the report of CNN that said the raising of unemployed in the US hits its highest rate in April for 14.7% and it is considered as the worst unemployment rate in this century. International Labour Organization also stated that the 94% of people living in all around the world are forced to work at home and surprisingly the raising of unemployment rate of young people hit 14.3% to 28.4%. The urgency of getting a job is pushing people to look for vacancies. Holding a virtual career fair can be the best idea for you.

Virtual career event can be one of the best options for virtual activities for college students and also for fresh graduates who officially become jobseekers. To make your virtual career fair attractive, you should add innovative idea on it such as giving free CV review section, question and answer section, or giving some tips in facing the work world for the beginner. This idea will also give recruiters the opportunity in accessing the best potential for their employees. It is important to consider that you should make an event that is beneficial for your audience. You can run an event that help people to overcome the global crisis. What an amazing thing to do!

Innovative Event Ideas You should consider for Your Virtual Event in 2020

Virtual Education Fair

Other innovative ideas you can have for your virtual event is running virtual activities for students and college students. Why? Based on the report of the United Nations, more than 1.5 billion students from all around the world are affected by this pandemic. They are forced to study at home on their own virtually. Students, of course, will spend most time in the digital world. It is a good chance for you to attract their interest by holding a virtual education fair. Besides including information about the study and scholarship options, don’t forget to add some interesting sections to live up your event. Game activities, singing, dancing, and talent competition, and of course consultation section. It’s one of the beneficial events that you can run during this situation.

Virtual Courses

People have been experiencing a huge change of their habit of life in 2020. Almost all of the activities are done at home. Of course, it affects the demand for virtual activities. One of them is virtual course, an online learning activity in various majors. Besides an education course for students and college students. You can choose the idea of running personal development courses such as drawing course, singing course, or other courses related to the hobby. Another list of course you can have as your event idea is certificated training course such as digital marketing course, language skill course, and etc.

The Certificated training course will attract more people due to its physical and non-physical output. It can also reach a wider audience because it can attract students to adult people’s interest. For your inspiration you can take a look at some well-known virtual courses such as Coursera, Skillshare, and LinkedIn Learning.

 Virtual Trade Fair

The idea of running virtual trade fair is inspired by a lot of cancellation and postponed activities in the industry, especially in in-person trade fair. The cancellation and postponed trade fairs hit the number of 3.916 trade fairs in all around the world according to the Meet Expo. These cancellations are as an impact of the spread of COVID-19. Whereas, trade fair is an essential activity to support the running of the industry world. This kind of virtual exhibition can be an innovative virtual event idea for you to hold to overcome the cancellation of the events. For examples are in technology, food & beverage, health, and fashion industry.


Last but not least, the idea of running a webinar is considered to be the best idea you can have in running a virtual event this year. The demand of webinar is raising through this year, it is reported by ON24 that the rate of webinar is raising 8%22% in the middle of this year and it is possible to increase. Make sure you do research on what things people get interested the most. You can have educational webinar, panellist discussion webinar, and question answer webinar as your options. You can also use Zoom, Google Meet, and Ms. Teams to facilitate your webinar.

Virtual event will continuously happen as long as the global pandemic still exist. This year is just the beginning of this trend. With those virtual event ideas above, you can experiment with virtual event during this year or the next few years. So, which idea that suits you the most?

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