125 Best Thank You for the Gift Notes, Messages and Quotes

Sending a letter or note of thank you for the gift can be a great way to let someone through words that they will surely appreciate. Whether you use gift quotes or personalized message, it is the least you can do to show them your gratitude.

According to a survey conducted by Ask Your Target Market, over 80% participants agree that it is important to send thank you notes to display appreciation. However, only 22% of respondents reported that they send these types of messages.

It is actually understandable since it’s not the easiest to find the right words of gifts message. You will want to show that you’re grateful but without getting too gushy because it may make you seem disingenuous.

To compose the proper note for gifts to show appreciation, you can personalize the message by including reasons why it is so special for you and how you’re feeling when receiving it. It’s also a good idea to include gifts to say thank you back if you’re willing to.

In general, here are some examples of events where it’s recommended to send a thank you gift saying note:

  • Baby shower gifts. Make sure your family and friends who took their time and money to get you gifts for this special event know that it was appreciated. Send them some great thank you gifts notes to show your gratitude.
  • Wedding related gifts. Each and every guest who hand you gifts during your big wedding day, bridal shower, or engagement party deserves a nice thank you card.
  • Some of you are so lucky to be surrounded by those who want to present special gift for you. Set aside a few minutes to write and send them thank you note for a Christmas gift or other holidays you celebrate.
  • Thank your family members and friends who have gifted you upon graduations. Whether it is a thank you for monetary gift note or gratitude book gifting messages, sending the appreciation shows that you’ve grown up.

In the following, you will find the best thank you gifts messages and quotes that you can use in various events where you received present and want to show your appreciation for the gift-givers.

Best Thank You for the Gift Notes to Send

Best Thank You for the Gift Notes to Send

To make it easier for you to tailor the right words for sending family or best friend thank you gift note, you can get inspirations here. Feel free to tweaks the message according to your requirements and situation.

I wish to give you so much more than just a thank you note for the beautiful gift you gave me. I absolutely love it. But as for now thank you.

The choosy person that I am, buying a gift for me is a difficult mission. But the only way to describe your gift to me is that it is sheer perfection. Thank you.

I don’t know what you were thinking when you gave me (gift name). You must either be crazy, dumb, or really generous to have done that. I don’t think you are crazy or dumb, so that leaves generous. Thank you.

A gift speaks volumes of a person’s personality, generosity, and creativity. Your gift suggests that you have a cool personality, you are way too generous and you are creative at heart. Thank you.

I’m very grateful for the gift that you gave me. Please know that it definitely did not go unnoticed and I’m glad to know someone as generous as you. Thank you!

Well now I know what I’m going to wear for my date! It’s that beautiful dress you gifted me. How do you always seem to know what would suit me? Thanks for making my life so much easier BFF!

A wonderful thanks for your lovely gift. It’s not the gift that is important in life. It is the love which is behind that gift, I felt your love and I am thankful to you for such a lovely gift. Thank you so much.

If you hadn’t told me that the gift you had given to me was handmade, I would have totally thought you bought it from an expensive store. Thanks for being so amazing.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your gift meant the world to me but not only that, I’m thankful to have a friend like you and hope we get to hang out soon.

Grab some card or prepare your email. Choose your favorite messages below whether it is a a gift for my beloved, parents, siblings, cousins, friends, etc.

Thank You For Gift to a Friend

Thank You For Gift to a Friend

I am so lucky to have a friend like you. Thank you for inviting me to the Elton John concert last night. It has been one of my lifelong dreams to see him perform.

Thanking my sweet friend for the precious birthday gift sent to me. It would be a valuable addition to my collection of antique items stored as a passion.

Friend, I thank you with all my love for the birthday gift. I was sure you are the one who know what I desire and would give me as a surprise.

I want to use this opportunity to say a big thank you for sending me such a thoughtful gift on this special day. You put a big smile on my face today and I am eternally grateful for it.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Receiving this gift from you has brightened my day, my week, and my year!

You have the biggest heart. Having you in my life is the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you for being so thoughtful.

Thank you so much for the gift! Receiving it was a delightful surprise, a surprise that made me feel excited and appreciated. It has left a lasting impression on me, and I am truly grateful.

Roses are red, violets are blue, your gift was so sweet, and so are you! Thank you for the amazing gift! I love it so much.

Thank you so much for the support you have shown my family and me during my mother’s illness. Also, thank you for the beautiful ficus tree that you sent to the funeral home. You have been such a wonderful friend. I appreciate you so much.

Thank You For Birthday Gift Messages

Thank You For Birthday Gift Messages

Your kind heart surely knows no bounds; you have given me the best gift a person could ever get on their birthday. I love you for that. I highly appreciate it.

You are one of the best friends I have ever had. I don’t say that because you brought a birthday gift. I say that because you gave me one of the best birthday gifts of all time.

Your presence makes my birthday special; there is no need for the gift, but anyway thank you so much for the lovely gift.

An awesome person gives out an awesome gift I always say. Thank you for getting me my birthday present, it was lovely and I am sure you knew I desperately needed it. Thanks so much.

This gift is incredible! I don’t know who told you my little secret but I am glad that they did. These are absolutely awesome.

You are the first person who remembered, you gave me the best gift of them all and you were there to share the day with me. I don’t know how I can ever repay you. Thanks so much darling.

I look at your gift; I think of how hard you smiled when you saw it and saw me. I love the gift you gave me and I will always put it close to my heart. You are the best.

Oh man. What a wild birthday. I have to thank everyone who showed up here. Just you guy showing up is more than I could ever ask for. But, you guys brought gifts too. That makes this even better than I could have expected or dreamed of. Thank you!

You gave me two gifts on my birthday. One is the wrapped box and the second is the smile that I have been carrying around on my face ever since I opened that box. Thanks so much.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful birthday gift. I really love it! Thanks a lot, dear your choice is really top-notch!

Birthdays become even more special with cakes and gifts. And, when you like a gift, it brings a smile on your face. Your gift made me smile and I want to simply thank you for the same. A heartfelt thank you for the gift!

You really didn’t need to put so much effort and money in giving me something special for my birthday. Your loving presence in my life is my biggest gift. Thanks a lot.

A heartfelt thank you for the wonderful gift! Thank you is all I want to tell you. You made my birthday a tad more special. Thanks.

The gift you gave me for my birthday is just like you – luxurious, unique, creative and extraordinary. Thanks so much.

This was an extraordinary birthday celebration that I won’t be able to forget. Thanks for making my special day so memorable, my dear! Your birthday gift is so thoughtful and sweet! I really love it!

Thank you for having such great taste when picking a birthday present. The [gift] was cool and I am sure I will get a lot of use from it. I am thankful for such a great friend.

Your birthday gift is unlike all the others that I got. You are so sweet and I love you for being so caring. Thank you for giving me a fantastic birthday gift dear!.

I blew the candles on my cake, hoping my wishes would come true. The results were immediate when I opened the gift given by you. Thanks.

Thanks for the gag gift you gave me on my birthday. I promise that next year, I will be the one having the last laugh. Thanks.

Your gift was the highlight of my birthday! I am so thankful to you for putting in so much effort in the gift and for making me happy!

Thank you for all the gifts, prayers and wishes on my birthday that bestows me the power and blessings.

Your gift definitely surprised me, in all my years I never thought you knew me so well. I cannot be happier with what you gave me for my birthday. Be blessed and I hope someday I can repay you.

Most of the things are priceless and they are intangible, can only be sensed by heart, whatever you have done on my birthday it’s truly amazing. Thank you so much it was the biggest gift!

A sweet thanks to all my sweet friends who made my birthday sweet.

No one in this whole world means as much as you do to me, and I know now it is reciprocated, thank you for not only remembering me during my birthday but for the gift you gave me. I hope I can someday repay the debt you bestowed on me. Thanks.

Thank You Message For Gifts – Thoughtful Gifts Message List to Show Your Appreciation

Thank You Message For Gifts - Thoughtful Gifts Message List to Show Your Appreciation

Need some help to build words of appreciation when writing thank you for the Christmas gift, birthday present, or anniversary surprise card? Then these messages for gift with love quotes will be useful for you.

Thank you for making my special day even more special with your presence and amazing gift, I love you. You mean so much to me. Thank you.

Once in a while, something will make me stop and appreciate all the simple and beautiful things in my life. Your selflessness is one of those things. Thank you so much for the gorgeous gift.

It is so nice to know that I have a [friend/loved one] that, for whatever reason, took time out of their day to deliberately pick out a gift just for me. Thank you for being so generous.

You just wait till I get my chance to thank you in person. You have made me feel so appreciated, and I cannot wait to do the same for you. Until then, thank you so much for your kindness.

I just wanted to send you a little note to tell you how much I appreciate the gift you have given me. It made me feel special and loved, and like I have truly found a kindred spirit. Thank you.

Thoughtful, precious, and priceless. These are the words that come to my mind whenever I see your gift. Thank you for making not only my day, but my week and month as well!

Guess who gives the best presents in the world? It’s you! I love what you gave me, and I cannot wait to use it! Thank you so very much.

I cannot put into words how touched I am that you thought to get me a gift. It is perfect in every way. Thank you for being so gracious.

Words fail me at this moment. There is nothing I can say or do that will adequately express how I feel about your gift. For now, I’ll just say a big fat thank you.

You know you did not have to, but the fact you did anyway shows just how amazing you are. You always go out of your way for me. It means so much. Truly and deeply, thank you.

When I look at the gift you got me today, it almost makes me want to tear up. I love it and love you even more for getting me something so precious. Thank you for everything.

How amazing it is to have a friend who knows me so well, and wishes to surprise me with a lovely, carefully chosen gift. It really touched me to know that you care. Many thanks for thinking about me.

I could hardly contain my excitement after receiving your gift. Saying that I cannot stop smiling is as an understatement. Thank you.

The gift you have given me means so much more than you will ever know. It is not just the gift that is important, but our strong bond and friendship. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Wow! I am almost lost for words at your breathtaking gift. It is just what I wanted. Please accept my sincere appreciation. I am immensely grateful to you.

I cannot thank you enough for the gift you gave to me today. It makes me want to have this day for the rest of eternity. It is beautiful and I’m in love with it. I am extremely grateful.

Thank you so much for the extraordinary gift. I cannot stop bragging at how lucky I am, not only to have you in my life but to receive something so special.

Thank you so much for the gift. It is just what I needed. Word cannot express how thankful I am for your thoughtfulness.

I have received your gift and want to say a huge thank you. You are such a kindhearted person to buy me something so wonderful. I will never forget how happy your gift has made me.

You have no idea how much your gift means to me. I am glad to have met someone as generous as you. Thank you a billion times and more.

Every gift you’ve ever given me has always been right on target. And I have to say: you’ve done it again! Thank you so much for this gift.

If I had a genie right now, my first wish would be to build you a house made out of “thank you” cards, so everywhere you looked would remind you of how honored I am for such an astonishing gift. Thank you so much for your kindness.

How is it possible for one person to be this good at buying presents? I am flabbergasted. Thank you so much for this amazing gift.

Thank you so much. I just know I am going to remember this for a long time. You have found a special place in my heart.

How many people does it take to buy a perfect present? Evidently, just one, because your gift is absolutely flawless! Thank you for everything.

I am so grateful for the tremendous gift you have given me. How lucky I am to know somebody that is so considerate. Thank you!

It takes a lot to take the words out of my mouth. But receiving your gift left me speechless. Thank you.

Looking at your gift certainly does feel like you can read my mind. It is just what I wanted. Thank you for being so thoughtful and even more so for being a loving person.

Among so many people in this world, you make me feel seen and heard, and that is a beautiful quality in a person. Thank you for caring and for the thoughtful gift.

Each time I look at this gift, I will be reminded of the deep and special bond that we have. I want to protect this bond for the rest of my life. Thank you for showing me how much you care.

If I wake up each day sending you a thank you gift card and one again before I sleep for the next ten years, I would still feel indebted to you. Your gift really brightened my day. Thank you.

I just received and opened the gift you sent for me. I love it so much! Your support never goes unnoticed. Thank you.

I want to say the biggest thank you for your generous gift. I feel such gratitude to you for the time and effort you spent choosing me such a great gift.

I’ve been stumbling trying to write a thank you note. It is hard to express my appreciation with words. But please know this means the world to me. I am so very grateful.

It is said that a gift should be given without any expectations in return, that it is a selfless act of kindness on the behalf of the giver. In return, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for your thoughtfulness. Your thoughtfulness has provided me so much more than any gift possibly could. Thank you.

It is said that giving a gift provides the giver with more in return than the receiver. If we are meant to give so we can show how much we value the people in our lives, then you have done a fantastic job. Thank you so much for the wonderful gift.

I want to express my heartfelt thanks to you for such an amazing gift. I hope you know how thankful I am, both for the gift and to know somebody so kind.

If we are lucky, we get to have special people in our lives that are kind and generous. You are one of these remarkable people. Words cannot convey just how thankful I am for the gift you have given to me.

I want you to know how sincerely grateful I am for your gift. It is a wonderful feeling to be thought of and cared for. Thank you.

You always know exactly how to bring some joy and happiness into my life! I am so grateful for the gift you gave me.

It is a true measure of the strength of our relationship to know that you were able to pick out a gift for me that is so meaningful. Thank you so much for your dedication to our relationship.

I cannot be thankful enough for the joy your gift brings to my heart. Thank you for deeming me worthy enough to give me such a befitting gift.

I sincerely appreciate every effort you make to shine light into my life. The gift you recently gave me accomplished just that! Thank you for being so great.

I cannot express to you just how special I felt when I received your marvelous gift. I am so lucky to have people in my life that are as considerate as you are. Thank you.

This is the best gift I’ve ever received! I am so lucky to know someone as considerate as you are. Thank you.

You made me feel so special when I opened your gift. I knew that you spent time, effort, and energy to make sure it was awesome, and it was just that. Thank you.

You really chose the perfect gift for me and I am so touched! Thanks for gift!

I am beyond happy to receive such a unique gift from you on my birthday! You really know how to make someone feel special! Thank you so much!

Your choice of gift shows how caring you are! Thank you so much!

You just could not have picked for me a gift that was more perfect than the one you picked. Thank you so much for the lovely gift.

Thank you so much for thinking of me and giving me this pretty gift!

I’m overwhelmed with the gift you gave me. Thank you so much!

You really bought the thing I have been looking for! Thank you for this surprise!

Giving a gift like that should be illegal. I’m surprised you haven’t been placed under arrest for your excessive generosity. Thank you!

Perfect is the word that comes to mind when I try to describe your gift. I don’t think I myself even could have gifted anything better. Thanks for knowing me so well.

The gift must have been wrapped in silver paper, but the gift inside is a glittery packing shone even more. Thank you for the amazing gift.

Thank you so much for such a wonderful and thoughtful gift!

I think you know me better than I know myself. Your gift was exactly what I wanted, even though I didn’t know I wanted it.

I appreciate your gift-giving skills. I am sure that you get a lot of practice, being as generous as you are.

Just wanted you to know that I really appreciate all the trouble you took to get me such a wonderful gift. Thanks a ton.

Your gift is just as nice your heart is! I loved it, thanks a lot!

It was ever so thoughtful of you to send me this lovely gift. You have no idea how happy I am after receiving it. Thank you.

I consider you a gift from God, so I guess I should send Him a thank you card. I know His address, but could you tell me how much postage I’ll need?

Your thoughtful gift shows how much thought you put for me. Thank you for the meaningful gift. I love you, really very happy to have you in my life.

A million thanks for celebrating my special day and making me feel special. Thank you is all I can say to you, I am in love with your gift.

Your gift is nothing like the other ones that I got, Thanks for always touching my heart with your little gestures. Thank you so much, I love you.

You surprised me when I opened my gift. I couldn’t believe what you’d given me. You knocked my socks off.

You made our anniversary more memorable with the heart touching gift of yours! No wonder you have always been a spectacular gift-giver! Thank you so much!

Love, your gift is perfect in each and every way and it makes me fall in love with you more! Thank you for being in my life!

Thank you for not only this gorgeous gift but also for the love and blessing you shower upon us and our future life! You are the best!

Thank you so much for sending me such a lovely and meaningful gift on this special day. Your gift made today even more special. Thanks a ton again.

You may use these words of gift from friend quote and send them via electronic mail or handwritten cards. It may sound simple, but can feel meaningful for those who receive the note as it is a reflection of your heartfelt thoughtfulness.

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